Body Composition

How Long Does Body Recomposition Take? Setting Realistic Fitness Goals

Sandra Wu
January 19, 2024

Starting a fitness journey with the aim of body recomposition – losing fat and gaining muscle – is both exciting and challenging. But how do you balance expectations with reality? Let's explore this through real-life success stories.

Starting a fitness journey with the aim of body recomposition – losing fat and gaining muscle – is both exciting and challenging. But how do you balance expectations with reality? Let's explore this through real-life success stories.

Understanding Body Recomposition

Body recomposition is about changing your body's muscle-to-fat ratio, not just losing weight. This process requires a mix of exercise and healthy eating habits. Remember, it's a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. 

You can monitor these changes in your body with the Spren app that can accurately estimate your body composition. 

How Long Does It Usually Take?

Changes in body composition can start to be noticeable within 3 to 6 months, but this varies from person to person. Factors like diet, workout intensity, and genetics play a part.

Real Success Stories

Story 1: A Three-Year Journey to Strength and Health

  • One individual's journey to body recomposition was not just about a year of focused effort but a three-year path of lifestyle and mindset change. Starting with overcoming overexercise and undereating, this journey was about healing first and then moving towards body recomposition. Over a year, they gained 8 lbs of muscle and lost about 5 lbs of fat, proving that sustainable change is achievable with patience and consistency​​.

Story 2: Patrick's Transformation

  • Patrick's story is about balancing a busy work life with fitness goals. Despite a hectic 55-hour work week, Patrick managed to transform his body using just two adjustable dumbbells and a pull-up bar at home. With a combination of strength workouts and intermittent fasting, he significantly reduced his waist size while gaining muscle, showcasing that effective body recomposition is possible even with minimal equipment and time constraints​​.

What Needs to Happen

To achieve body recomposition, focus on exercise and diet.

  • Exercise: A blend of strength training and cardio is ideal. Strength training builds muscle, while cardio helps in fat burning.
  • Diet: A balanced diet rich in protein, healthy fats, and carbs is essential.

Monitoring Your Progress

Tracking progress helps in staying motivated. Use body measurements, scales, and apps like Spren to monitor your journey. Be ready to adjust your routine based on your body's response.


Body recomposition is a journey of patience and consistency. It's about making gradual changes and sticking to them. These real-life stories show that with dedication, achieving your fitness goals is definitely possible.

For a convenient way to track your fitness journey, consider using the Spren app. It’s a great tool to help you stay on track with your body recomposition goals.

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Sandra Wu

Monitor your Body Composition
The Spren app is the easiest, most accurate way to track your body composition.
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