Body Composition

Can't Book a DEXA Scan in San Diego? Use the Spren App Instead

Sandra Wu
January 26, 2024

In San Diego and looking to get a DEXA scan? Known for its accuracy in measuring body fat, muscle mass, and bone density, DEXA scans are a popular choice.

In San Diego and looking to get a DEXA scan? Known for its accuracy in measuring body fat, muscle mass, and bone density, DEXA scans are a popular choice. However, it's important to note that options in San Diego are currently limited.

If you're seeking an immediate and convenient solution, consider the Spren app. This innovative app uses your smartphone camera along with AI and machine learning to deliver results that match the accuracy of DEXA scans. And the best part? Unlimited scans for an entire year at just $69.99, which is less than the cost of a single DEXA scan in San Diego.

Currently, there is one primary facility in San Diego where you can book a DEXA scan:

Dexa Body Inc

  • Location: 9883 Pacific Heights Blvd suite b, San Diego, CA 92121
  • Cost: $75 for one scan
  • Website: Dexa Body Inc
  • Booking: Schedule your appointment easily online.

Another facility, DexaFit San Diego, is temporarily closed. This makes Dexa Body Inc the go-to place for those in San Diego looking to get a traditional DEXA scan.

Given the limited DEXA scan options in San Diego, the Spren app stands out as a practical alternative. With Spren, you get the convenience of at-home body composition analysis at a fraction of the cost of a traditional DEXA scan. Whether you visit Dexa Body Inc or use the Spren app, you're making a smart move towards better health and fitness understanding. Download Spren for an easy, affordable way to track your body composition progress.

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Sandra Wu

Monitor your Body Composition
The Spren app is the easiest, most accurate way to track your body composition.
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