
7 Signs of High Cholesterol on Face

Sandra Wu
February 2, 2024

High cholesterol is often dubbed a silent killer, lurking without obvious symptoms until it escalates into more severe heart-related conditions. Recognizing these signs early can lead to timely intervention and management.

High cholesterol is often dubbed a silent killer, lurking without obvious symptoms until it escalates into more severe heart-related conditions. Recognizing these signs early can lead to timely intervention and management.

You can order a blood test on the Spren app to find out your cholesterol levels. That aside, below are seven signs of high cholesterol that may appear on your face:

1. Xanthelasmas: Yellow Patches on Eyelids

Xanthelasmas are soft, yellowish patches that emerge on or around your eyelids. Although these plaques are harmless in themselves, they are indicative of elevated cholesterol levels in your blood, serving as a wake-up call to take your lipid profile seriously.

2. Corneal Arcus: Grayish Ring Around the Cornea

Appearing as a gray or white arc around the outer part of the cornea, Corneal Arcus is more commonly seen in older adults. However, its presence in individuals under the age of 40 could be a red flag for high cholesterol, necessitating a check-up.

3. Bumps on the Skin: Eruptive Xanthomas

These are reddish-yellow bumps that could suddenly appear on the skin, especially on the buttocks, shoulders, legs, or arms. Often itchy, these bumps are a sign of extremely high levels of triglycerides, a type of fat in your blood, pointing towards the need for lipid management.

4. Swollen Achilles Tendon: Sign of Familial Hypercholesterolemia

An unusually thick or swollen Achilles tendon can indicate familial hypercholesterolemia, a genetic condition that elevates cholesterol levels right from birth. This visible sign is a direct cue to seek genetic counseling and cholesterol management.

5. Diagonal Earlobe Crease: A Controversial Indicator

The presence of a diagonal crease on one or both earlobes, also known as Frank's sign, has been debated as a potential indicator of higher cholesterol and heart disease risk, making it a sign worth paying attention to.

6. Lipid Rings: Fatty Deposits Around the Eyes

Similar to xanthelasmas but located around the eyes, these fatty deposits do not impact vision but signal that your cholesterol levels might be on the higher side, warranting a health check.

7. Skin Tags: A Possible Link

While skin tags themselves are not directly linked to high cholesterol, their abundance can sometimes suggest an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes, conditions that are often associated with abnormal cholesterol levels.

Order A Blood Test In The Spren App

Taking charge of your health has never been easier. With the Spren app, available for iOS users, you can monitor your body composition and uncover vital health insights, including factors influenced by cholesterol levels. The app also offers the convenience of ordering a blood test kit directly, enabling you to test for cholesterol and various other biomarkers that might be impacting your health.

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Sandra Wu

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